Nov 04 2009

Profile Image of Katie

Brain Dictation

Posted at 4:28 pm under crafty

I really wish that someone would invent a way to have my thoughts (the thoughts I choose, more specifically) be dictated and appear in print.  So many times I am going about my day and I will think things that would make great blog posts or even great stories.  But then the thoughts disappear somewhere between my brain and my keyboard or pen and paper.  I tried once carrying a voice recorder around and spoke into it whenever I had a thought that I wanted to save for later.  That didn’t work very well because I could only do it in private lest someone call the men with white coats to take away that crazy lady talking to herself.  They can’t be expected to know that my talking to myself is not a sign of insanity but rather sheer brilliance.

Truthfully, I think that it is simply that I am too lazy.  It isn’t like I am usually doing anything important when I have ideas and thoughts, it is just that I don’t bother to write them down.  Either don’t take the time or convince myself that it wasn’t really that brilliant in the first place and why waste digital space with my chatter.  What I really need is not just a brain dictator, but a brain proofreader and editor.  Then I can just sit around having brilliant thoughts all day and have them appear, polished and prettied up for all to bask in my glory.  Someone get right on that, will ya?  The world is waiting to be dazzled.

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