Archive for December, 2005

Dec 25 2005

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I am here, believe it or not…

Filed under crafty

Wow, didn’t realize that I had any readers that would give it a second thought if I were not to post. Thanks for thinking of me! :)

Anyway, I am still here. Stepping along, one foot at a time. There have been some extremely challenging times lately. But in it all we are finding a deeper sense of peace than we have had in a long time.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer. The first holiday season that I am 6000 miles away from home, and was looking forward to not having to make silly excuses why I couldn’t come to visit her and just having my family – husband and children and me – in our new home. Turns out that I really would have liked to have been able to visit her in the past 6 weeks. But I couldn’t, since I am 6000 miles away and flat ass broke. Sort of ironic though that the first christmas that SHE really could have use ME I wasn’t there. Seeing as how last year after I had my hysterectomy during the holidays she was only able to find time to drop off a bananna bread she found when she was cleaning out the freezer. All of 10 minutes she gave me during my recovery. She was only 2 miles away, but may as well have been 6000.

Who me, conflicted with sorrow over my moms illness? Naaaaawwwwww (well maybe just a little.)

Despite all, our holiday has been a really cool one. Simple, waaay low key, and hardly any a tantrum or trauma all day. Given that we are 5 people sharing less than 600 square feet for the past 5 months, two of whom are teenage girls and one who is a 4 year old… I would say that was pretty fucking cool.

I will try to update more in the next few days and weeks ahead. It seems like things may be taking an interesting turn so there may be some stuff to talk about.

…or maybe not. Who really knows…

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