May 18 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Pinwheel Sunburst

Posted at 11:03 am under knitting

Made this for a knit along at Sewing Mama’s – Mother’s of Purl forum. (c’mon over and play with us!) The pattern is from

Made from leftovers and odd balls from my bag. And lordy lou is it bright! Not my usual style, but I like it.

The edge is just a stockinette decrease to shape a triangle. I knit off the circulars onto straights at each section. It was a PITA to join the yarn again for each section, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the stockinette going the same way as the body of the blanket in that shape any other way. If some enlightened reader knows a trick for this, please share. I like the effect but hated the work. I am a lazy knitter for sure. For extra body and texture I did a quick double crochet around the edge.

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