Archive for May, 2006

May 15 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Labyrinth For A Dear Friend

Filed under needle and thread

Getting back to my poor neglected machines this weekend. I re-recylced an old thrift store bargain skirt, (I have lost so much weight since the first recycle, thus requiring another go.) and made a quilt square for a group quilt to give to a dear friend who has recently discovered that she has cervical cancer. This friend is one of the absolute most generous, compassionate, and loving people I know. A group of friends (many of whom only know her online, including myself) are making quilt sqaures to make a quilt for her to wrap around her during her care and recovery. We can’t be there in person, so this quilt is a big hug from us to her.

Labyrinth to symbolize the journey into the unknown world of life threatening illness. I know that she will find the grace needed to meet whatever challenges and lessons this brings. And praying that upon her return she is healed and whole.

I love you, KR!

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May 08 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Its Raining Its Pouring

Filed under sorting it out

So much for the better weather. Last weeks sunshine was a teaser. Yes, I know I need to be patient. Everything in its time, right? Ugh. I want it NOW!!! ::stomps feet and sticks out lower lip::

My yoga class starts this morning. It is pouring out. This type of weather kills me in the fibro pain department and all I want to do is curl up in bed and wimper. I have been looking foward to this class for weeks and today I just simply don’t feel like going. I will go, and I am sure I will be happy that I did. But dang, its going to take everything I have to get my arse out the door. blah blah blah.

UPDATE: Well I went. It was a nice class. I was the youngest person there by 20+ years. (and I am nearly 40…) which is fine by me. I asked for a gentle easy class because of my fibromyalgia. And gentle it was. Easy it was not. We barely did any standing poses, only 2 simple sun salutations, and mostly lying down poses. I AM IN EXCRUTIATING PAIN. Seriously. I can hardly walk. I started crying in class because it was so hard. (Just a couple discreet tears, the waterworks didn’t flow until after class) I used to have a really strong yoga practice a few years ago. Even just a year ago I was able to do a fairly vigorous Ashtanga practice. But now I can barely keep up with the senior set. I was shaking trying to hold simple poses and forget balance with this farkin’ dizziness. I can’t point my toes or my legs go into spasm.

I am trying not to be discouraged. I know that it will take a bit of getting used to and that it will get easier…I hope. Fibromyalgia is weird stuff when it comes to exercise. But it is hard. Really hard. I came home and threw myself into my study and homework in an attempt to keep my mind off the pain. That worked for a bit, but now that the kids are home from school and they need to do be up and active I am having a very hard time. I hate this. I really really hate this. I am not sure how to cope with this.

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May 05 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Perfect Timing

Filed under knitting

I have been working on this lap blanket here and there for several weeks. The idea was to have it done by the time the weather was nice enough to sit outside and enjoy a cup of coffe in the morning. As luck would have it, I finished this last night, just as the weather has (at least for a couple days) shifted in the right direction. Perfect timing!

Simple diagonal lace pattern, perfect for late night insomniac knitting binges. I used a big ol’ skein of Aran Wool blend that I picked up at a charity shop for £1.

And in a sweet little twist of fortune, a friend went to Naples for a few weeks last month and brought us a one of these little beauties.


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