Jul 10 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Ready for the fleece!

Posted at 10:29 am under crafty

Yesterday Axel made me a skirting/drying frame. Made from salvaged wood and chickenwire that was being discarded at the farm. It fits perfectly on the table top outside, which is where I will use it until he builds supports for it.

With the weather as unpredictable as it can be around here (English summer is a real mixed bag…) I need to be able to have an indoor spot to work. I have grand plans for the garage, where I am slowly but surely establishing my spot (it started as just needing space to hang herbs to dry) among the bikes,books and other rapidly accumulating stuff. Hopefully I can get this arranged into a nice little workshop. For now its kind of a frightening mess. A work in progess, if you will.

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