Archive for November, 2006

Nov 21 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Mark Your Calendars

Filed under just because

“The intent is that the participants concentrate any thoughts during and after orgasm on peace. The combination of high- energy orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention may have a much greater effect than previous mass meditations and prayers.”

Global Orgasm

If nothing else, it will be fun to try!

2 responses so far

Nov 15 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Cellular Memory

Filed under sorting it out

Do you ever look at old pictures and feel as if you could just step right into that moment? Like you could round the corner and be there again?

Today I saw some pictures of our house in Portland.Well, Gladstone really. The Arlington house. I felt exactly like that.It was like you feel when you have been away from home and you imagine how it will feel like to be back home. You know the feeling? Yet it also feels so very distant from where we are now. How different our life is today than it was a few short years ago.

The changes and living that went on in that house were amazing. When we moved there I was deep in the depths of an extended and severe postpartum depression. By the time we moved out life had completely new meaning, new direction, and a vibrancy I could never have imagined. The entire family really came into its own.

The memories from that time of our lives is one of those that will never be forgotten. Celluar Memories. Ones that you feel so real in the core of your body and soul.

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Nov 10 2006

Profile Image of Katie

One for my head and some handspun

Filed under felt and fiber,knitting

Took a bit of a break knitting baby hats, and hats for others (I made a really cool one for Axel that I still need to get a photo of.) and made one for myself.

Yarn from a hand dyed swap at Mothers of Purl. Gorgeous Autumn colors that coordinate perfectly with a big snuggly scarf I made last year. Pattern is Coronet from Knitty. My second time attempting cables and I think I can safely say I am no longer completely intimidated by them. Not completely. Just partially. Learned invisible/provisional cast on, which is also something I have been skeered of. Casting on was straight forward enough, but I need to get the hang of unravelling the graft. Luckily my blips in this area are nicely concealed by the cable and the colorway. And its in the back.

Autumn Coronet Hat

Next up is my first attempt at plying. Using my very rudimentary drop spindle (which I hope to use enough to justify getting a wheel. A gal can dream, right?) and some bats that I had aquired a couple years ago. Not entirely sure of the fiber content but it is dreamy soft. I suspect Merino and there are definately some silk slubs. Still the novice spinner, it is definately a novelty yarn. Width varies from worsted/aran to bulky. Overall I would consider it bulky. There is still plenty wool left over to make more, which I may do depending on how this one knits up. I am thinking it would make a gorgeous hat and scarf. Maybe something from Garn Studio. I love their stuff.

aquarium bulky handspun

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