Mar 23 2007

Profile Image of Katie

Recorded Live (then edited)

Posted at 1:16 pm under just because,sorting it out

I have started a bit of an experiment.

For my certification in Birthing From Within I need to do some recordings of me at various points of a course. I have done a couple of them on video a couple of years ago (yes, it is taking me a long time on this journey!) but getting the final two bits has been quite a block for me. I have conjured up technology gremlins twice when I was setting out to record them. And for reasons of unknown and ulitmately inconsequential reason or circumstance the recording failed. I grumbled and felt deflated, but also relieved because I was less than pleased with how what I had wanted to record unfolded. I was able to quietly breathe knowing that I would not have to relive an uncomfortable moment. (a good thing to consider when looking at putting recording equipment into the birth space, eh?) Self sabotage? Possibly. Opportunity to learn about myself and dive into my feelings of being ‘on show’. A love-hate relationship within myself for sure.

So equipped with a new Digital Voice Recorder I have begun a look, or more accurately, a listen into some of my thoughts as they find their way out of my mind via my voice. I am planning on including some of these recordings with my certification work, and just beginning to see vision of making parts available to a larger audience. No clue under what format or circumstance I would do so, or what its purpose might be. Just a whisper I heard that intirgued me. Its a secret desire of mine to have a podcast. ( shhh… don’t tell anyone.)

It has been fun to listen to it thus far. I am less tensed by hearing my own voice than I thought I would be. At one point Axel unexpectedly came to the kitchen door (when I was meant to be alone in the house) and scared the beejeezus out of me. It was interesting to record my being startled and then how I spoke in a candid moment to him immediately afterwards. There was a tenderness and vulnerability in my voice that I didn’t know was there. My mind chose the words I said in order to save face after being scared. My voice sounded like that of a child when I replayed that moment. Wondering if the ears I hear it with in the new moment are hearing it differently than Axel did when I spoke.

This is going to be fun.

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