Mar 28 2007

Profile Image of Katie

Getting out there

Posted at 8:20 am under felt and fiber

Interesting phone call last week… Apparently someone has been talking. Talking about my felt work and they are saying good things. Which has led to my being invited to exhibit my felt, teach some workshops, and sell my goodies. Yes, please, may I?! Wow! Do you see that on my face? Its an ear to ear grin. Don’t be alarmed if I also appear taller because I have noticed a change in my posture as well.

The local Steiner school, which enjoys an international reputation in the Steiner-world, has an artist’s fundraiser where artists and artisans are invited to exhibit their work. If we happen to sell anything ( the crowds arrive with cheque books open at these things ) we donate a very reasonable percentage to the school. Thats it. No space fees, and any workshop tuition profit is not subject to donation. Not all artists are asked to lead a workshop, but those of us who do things such as felt which are fun to do at home yourself (and has appeal to a wide age group) have been asked to do a workshop if they want to. I had such a great time leading a quick workshop on making felt at the Sewingmamas Sew Expo Retreat near Seattle last month. What a thrill to come home and have a chance to teach again! And what a thrill that I was sought out and didn’t have to go hunting it down. I wish all opportunity came to me this easily!

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