Jun 04 2008

Profile Image of Katie

Today I’m Blogging For Serenity

Posted at 1:55 pm under sorting it out

Serenity is the youngest daughter of a dear friend of mine. Like most other 2 year olds she runs her mother ragged but manages to fill her heart with love beyond measure. Unlike most other 2 years olds, Serenity was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.

There is no lack of appeals on the internet for help with raising funds for sick children. Its a sad fact of life that children do sometimes get sick with horrible life threatening illnesses, and an even sadder fact of life that the financial burden that comes with having a sick child adds untold amounts of distress to a family. I’m not in the habit of appealing for help in most of these cases, not out of lack of concern or charity, but because I would bankrupt myself if I contributed to every one and I am sure that most everyone else is in the same spot. And given the anonymity of the internet and the dark side of humankind who would abuse the good intentions of donors, there is always the risk that god forbid, a plea for donations might be a scam.

But to me, personally, because of my friendship with Serenity’s mother and the untold gifts and blessings that I have received by knowing her, this one I need to pass on to whoever might be able to help. While I am sure it pales in comparison to the devastation that Serenity’s family is experiencing, the news of this has shaken me to my core. I have donated every last bit I had to give, which I will admit is not very much. My own family struggles to make ends meet every day, large in part to my own health concerns. Yet,this is one of those times where I could sit back and in anyway justify withholding even the smallest amount I had available. If we can afford to go to the pub and have a few drinks one night, then we could afford to give at least that much to help Serenity’s family. We can still go out with our friends, but drink a glass of water instead, and feel better drinking that plain old beverage than we would from any other drink, knowing that our small sacrifice is going to help make a terrible situation the slightest bit easier to bear.

With this I ask that anyone who is reading this today also consider making a donation, even and amount that seems too small to matter. Truly, every bit counts.

You can read about Serenity and her family as they journey into life forever changed at Lifting Up Serenity.

On behalf of my friend, and all those who love Serenity, thank you.

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