Archive for August, 2008

Aug 27 2008

Profile Image of Katie

New Wheels, New Yarn, New House

Filed under crafty

It looks like I have been on a bit of a Summer break from blogging.  First with the trip to the US for a month and then back home where a few days of resting turned into a few weeks.  The weather here has been decidely un-summer like which means that I have been laid flat by the cold and damp.  My body simply rebels in this weather. Last week my oldest had surgery on her foot, which is the continuation of a saga that started back in June.  A trip to the doctor today tells us that it isn’t over quite yet.  We are a matched set of hobblers now.  I hope that soon I will be the only one in the family to lay claim to that title.  It bites seeing your kid in pain.

School starts in a week so it is now time to start looking back on the summer and sharing some highlights.  It started off quite wonderfully with my youngest brother’s wedding.  It was so much fun to see friends and family that I have not seen in a long time  (some since I was a child) and to meet new people that I am lucky to now call family.   My family  – the one for which I call myself mother – stood still in the same place long enough to get our picture taken.  A feat that has not been accomplished in a very very long time.  It makes my heart swell to see how my daughters are all growing so much.  Even my baby is no longer a baby. And it’s good to know that we all clean up nicely.  Living rurally like we do that is also a rare occurence.

Once back from the trip, as I mentioned earlier, I have been pretty much sidelined by my health.  It is something that I am still coming to grips with.  I have come a long way in the past several months in accepting where things are, but it still is quite raw with me.  One thing that I have had to accept is that walking more than a few meters at a time is a thing of the past for me.  This has meant that I have been more or less housebound for some time, and when I did venture out it meant days of pain for having over done it.  On our holiday we rented a wheelchair and it opened back up parts of life that I had not seen for such a long time.  So it was decided that I needed to get some wheels of my own in an effort to get out more. Since I don’t have the energy to be wheeling myself around I chose to get a mobility scooter so that I could get out without needing an attendant.  My new wheels arrived on what was lucky enough to be a sunny day.

My maiden voyage on it was to the park with my youngest who has been trapped at home with me.  We took a side trip further into the village to our local yarn shop and I treated myself to a skein of sock yarn.  I cast on Monkey from Knitty Winter 06 a couple nights ago and have been joyously rediscovering the fun of sock knitting.  I had been jonesing for a good sock knit for quite some time and am thrilled to have finally given in to the urge.


This weekend we are moving into a new house, which is something we are all looking forward to.  The new house has a real kitchen, unlike our current house which has a closet masquerading as one.  We just moved into this house 6 months ago and were less than thrilled to learn that the landlord was selling so soon afterwards, but it has turned out for the best and we have been looking forward to the move all summer.  Unfortunately we will be without internet for a week minium, so I will be AWOL again.  But when it is back up I promise – for real promise – that I will be back and posting regularly again. I promise!

164 responses so far

Aug 03 2008

Profile Image of Katie

Back Home

I am back from my month long visit to the Pacific Northwest in the US, which was highlighted by the wedding of my youngest brother.   It was filled with family,friends, and loads of fun.  Not much resting or relaxing went on but nonetheless it was rejuvenating. Now that I am back home I am looking forward to sorting through the hundreds of pictures I took, reliving the tales of our adventures and taking a nap.  Lots of naps as a matter of fact.

I did get some knitting accomplished during the last week of the trip. Before then it was just too busy and I was too fragmented to be able to give enough brain power to my project.  On the last day, on the trip up to Seattle where I was flying home from, we stopped at Shipwreck Beads (which proudly hails itself as the largest bead store in the country) and my mother generously bought me way more beads and tools than I had intended on getting.  I am now stocked up and ready to play.  Beading and making jewelry is a relatively new pursuit to me so I am looking forward to exploring what I can create.  Watch this space for what comes out of my dabbling.

I’m not quite ready to really start writing much so this is going to just be a short post.  My returning home routine seems to include taking a few days or weeks to settle back in before I am up for much in the lines of writing.  Much in the same way that it is difficult for me to write whilst on holiday (you will have noticed that my best intentions to write while away fell by the wayside) writing when I come home is a bit of a challenge.  Those first few days are spent reacquainting myself with the familiar surroundings of my home and everyday life with my eyes still in visitor mode. I even woke up the second night back and didn’t know where I was.  I wandered around the house trying to sort it out and at last I remembered that this was MY home, it is in England, and that my pillow was waiting on my bed for me to lie my head on it.  Having figured this out I returned to said bed and proceeded to sleep for many long hours, lost in the comfort that you can only get in your own bed.

Its good to be back home.

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