Apr 28 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Need a little Umph.

Posted at 11:08 am under sorting it out

There has been a bit of Umph in my life recently. I have had a few episodes of really bad vertigo lasting for days at a time. My current bout with dizziness started nearly 4 weeks ago and is not gone yet. My fibromyalgia has also been rough. Really rough. My brain has this long list of things I want/need/should do, but the body I am living in is challenging me….thats where the Umph comes in.

I resigned from my job at the bookstore. Yep. I did. Even though I was very clear that it was the right choice, I still had a hard time telling them. That whole “can’t say no” “want people to like me” thing. Oh, and my tendancy to think that I should be able to simple switch my attitude and just get over myself. That one’s a real bitch.

I redid Golden Flower Birth. There are a few things I need to fix, and a page or two still in the dreaded ‘coming soon’ stage. Its onward and upward with my birth work. Lying in bed for a couple weeks with nothing to do but think,meditate,read, and listen has turned out to be ‘enlightening’ if I could borrow a phrase. However minute the shift has been, there has been movement on my path. I realized that my body was going to ask me for a really good reason to get up and get busy – use it or lose it. As much as I liked working at the bookstore (and I really truly did. really.) there was nothing left for me at the end of the day. Nothing for my family. The last week before I got dizzy I went to bed directly after work each night. I hurt. I was exhausted. I wanted to cry. And as I lie there, my family was fighting and the house was going to hell. (Not much improvement there sadly. I am a dismal housekeeper.) We are fine financially with me not working full time. Hard work has paid off for us recently and it feels good. So I quit. And from this day forward I am living my dream. Leaving the fear behind. (as much as I can…) If not now, when?

Joining a yoga class, getting a referral to a rheumatolgist (cautiously looking at alopathic treatments), getting my creative work going again. I am hoping to have a stall at the Emerson May Fair. (Which is, oddly enough not until the end of the month – probably a weather thing.) Making my wrist wings and selling the dozens of dresses I made to sell on the road last summer but never did. Maybe some knit and felt goodies too. It all depends on what I get done.

So thats it. Putting a little Umph. Doing a little refit.

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