Jun 15 2006

Profile Image of Katie

World Cup Knitting

Posted at 4:28 pm under just because

Better late than never…

I have decided to join in the fun!

I will be making my felted messenger bag with my new totally hippy handpainted BFL. I am stoked! Originally I thought I would enter a pair of socks that I was working on while watching the England match on World Wide Knit In Public Day but decided that my late entry needed more motivation than a silly pair of socks. As lovely as they may be, I am much more enthused by the idea of having my new bag.

England plays again tonight. Not sure if I will be making it out to the pub for another KIP as I been feeling a bit sketchy in the tummy today. (and I only had ONE lousy pint last night during the Germany/Poland match, I swear!) But I will definately be casting on tonight even if it is just in my comfy bed watching downloads of Jon Stewart’s Daily Show.

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