Nov 15 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Cellular Memory

Posted at 11:35 am under sorting it out

Do you ever look at old pictures and feel as if you could just step right into that moment? Like you could round the corner and be there again?

Today I saw some pictures of our house in Portland.Well, Gladstone really. The Arlington house. I felt exactly like that.It was like you feel when you have been away from home and you imagine how it will feel like to be back home. You know the feeling? Yet it also feels so very distant from where we are now. How different our life is today than it was a few short years ago.

The changes and living that went on in that house were amazing. When we moved there I was deep in the depths of an extended and severe postpartum depression. By the time we moved out life had completely new meaning, new direction, and a vibrancy I could never have imagined. The entire family really came into its own.

The memories from that time of our lives is one of those that will never be forgotten. Celluar Memories. Ones that you feel so real in the core of your body and soul.

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