Jan 05 2008

Profile Image of Katie

emails from the underworld

Posted at 5:55 pm under sorting it out

Transformation begins with a call. The myths that give context to the archetypes which arise on the hero’s journey all begin with a call. A call to the underworld of our unconscious, where a part of us has lived in shadow but now wants to be seen. Often ignored in our busy modern lives of purpose and strategy we seem almost to be able to quiet our calls until we ‘are ready’ if we even hear them at all. Yet like seeds cast off in rocky soil whose divine imperative to grow sends roots winding down around stones and gives rise to delicate shoots which emerge from heavy clay – the call persists. Our own divine imperative to grow is no less determined. Whisper or shout; pleading or demanding; extraordinary or common place. Until one day either by will or by force you answer it.

This week a call that has been growing louder and more persistent at last found its way to draw me in across the threshold and onto a new journey. I received two emails from the underworld. One from a long and established relationship and the other from someone whose existence I was not aware of – each of completely unrelated subject matter, but sharing the common effect of leading me into what will without a doubt be a significant and important transformation. The changes have already begun. I am on the journey now.
Care to join me?

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