Archive for the 'felt and fiber' Category

Mar 28 2007

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Getting out there

Filed under felt and fiber

Interesting phone call last week… Apparently someone has been talking. Talking about my felt work and they are saying good things. Which has led to my being invited to exhibit my felt, teach some workshops, and sell my goodies. Yes, please, may I?! Wow! Do you see that on my face? Its an ear to ear grin. Don’t be alarmed if I also appear taller because I have noticed a change in my posture as well.

The local Steiner school, which enjoys an international reputation in the Steiner-world, has an artist’s fundraiser where artists and artisans are invited to exhibit their work. If we happen to sell anything ( the crowds arrive with cheque books open at these things ) we donate a very reasonable percentage to the school. Thats it. No space fees, and any workshop tuition profit is not subject to donation. Not all artists are asked to lead a workshop, but those of us who do things such as felt which are fun to do at home yourself (and has appeal to a wide age group) have been asked to do a workshop if they want to. I had such a great time leading a quick workshop on making felt at the Sewingmamas Sew Expo Retreat near Seattle last month. What a thrill to come home and have a chance to teach again! And what a thrill that I was sought out and didn’t have to go hunting it down. I wish all opportunity came to me this easily!

31 responses so far

Feb 20 2007

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Sunshine Slippers and Rainbow Purse

Filed under felt and fiber,knitting

A couple new things for my etsy shop…

These were originally made for my littlest daughter, but alas they are not pink enough for her liking. (The girl knows her mind, and her mind says PINK PLEASE!) So into my etsy shop they go.

Hand felted with resist and needle felted decoration of flowers and vines. Super sweet. These were my practice for a pair for myself that I am hoping to get made before I head off to Seattle and Portland (yippy!!!) for a couple weeks. (We’ll see how that big idea goes as I launch into my traditional week-before-trip sewing and knitting frenzy. Why I wait until it is crunch time before I get my rear in gear is beyond me!)

Next up is a knitted felt bag with needle felt button and flower for a little extra groove factor. Made with handpainted wool yarn I got in a swap.

Yes, there is a color theme to my work this week. I figured that if the sky is insisting on being gray then by golly I am going to add a little of my own color and brightness to my world! Anytime the heavens want to follow my lead is fine by me! (hint, hint oh Universal Powers….:)

909 responses so far

Dec 07 2006

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Coming Soon

Filed under crafty,felt and fiber

I made some kits as a part of a ‘supply’ swap I am participating in at Mothers of Purl . Most of the participants are knitters and some have dabbled in or would like to learn how to do felting. Rather than opt to contribute something that others are likely to make such as stitch markers ( I LOVE handmade stitch markers, BTW! But for sake of variety, you know.) or just a bag a roving I made these kits that have all the materials to make hand felted stitch marker pouches. Perfect for holding the lovely hand made stitch markers that I for one am hoping to get in the swap!

They use welt felt and are embellished with needle felting so it gives a taste of both methods. Included is wool for 2 pouches, a bamboo rolling mat, a felting needle, buttons and instructions. Not a bad little gift if I do say so myself. It is simple enough that a beginner can do it and nice enough that anyone would be pleased to have a nice pouch that is worthy of holding their little gems.

Here is what my sample pouch turned out.

And all the kits assembled and ready to go!

Already there have been some requests to sell them from people not in the swap. I am planning on making some up to sell on my Etsy store (where I still have my sundresses from this summer listed. Yes, I am behind a bit. ) but I can’t see it happening until after the holidays. As you can gather by the post below, things are a bit er, uh….lets just say I have a lot on my plate these days. But soon… I hope. Soon.

2 responses so far

Nov 10 2006

Profile Image of Katie

One for my head and some handspun

Filed under felt and fiber,knitting

Took a bit of a break knitting baby hats, and hats for others (I made a really cool one for Axel that I still need to get a photo of.) and made one for myself.

Yarn from a hand dyed swap at Mothers of Purl. Gorgeous Autumn colors that coordinate perfectly with a big snuggly scarf I made last year. Pattern is Coronet from Knitty. My second time attempting cables and I think I can safely say I am no longer completely intimidated by them. Not completely. Just partially. Learned invisible/provisional cast on, which is also something I have been skeered of. Casting on was straight forward enough, but I need to get the hang of unravelling the graft. Luckily my blips in this area are nicely concealed by the cable and the colorway. And its in the back.

Autumn Coronet Hat

Next up is my first attempt at plying. Using my very rudimentary drop spindle (which I hope to use enough to justify getting a wheel. A gal can dream, right?) and some bats that I had aquired a couple years ago. Not entirely sure of the fiber content but it is dreamy soft. I suspect Merino and there are definately some silk slubs. Still the novice spinner, it is definately a novelty yarn. Width varies from worsted/aran to bulky. Overall I would consider it bulky. There is still plenty wool left over to make more, which I may do depending on how this one knits up. I am thinking it would make a gorgeous hat and scarf. Maybe something from Garn Studio. I love their stuff.

aquarium bulky handspun

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