Archive for the 'knitting' Category

Oct 19 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Why yes, its another baby hat…

Filed under crafty,knitting

I just can’t seem to get enough of these little cuties. Without question, I am addicted to making baby hats. I think its a case of “can’t make babies so I make hats”. As my work picks up and I am going to more births my baby lust is getting stronger and stronger. Putting that into cute little knit stuff seems like a good way to placate my urge to gestate. (Not that I could, even if I truly wanted to as I am lacking the vital organs for such a task.) Knitting is also a wonderful way to pass time during a labor when I am not needed to anything active and need to simply ‘hold the space’. Keeps me busy and mum doesn’t feel like she is being observed and hovered over. And we both get to make something super cute!
Luckily I have found that those who do have babies also love my hats and they are more than willing to relieve me of them.

With winter rapidly approaching I am on a run of wool earflap hats. My own pattern (just a basic cap with ear flaps and i-cord ties added on) which has been really well received. I have had several requests for customs of these as a matter of fact. I love it when others love what I make. Its all well and good that I am happy with it, but there is something really uplifting to get positive feedback from folks.

First up is a tiny newborn/premie hat made of Blue Faced Leicester aran in my own handpainted ‘totally hippy’ colorway of lucious jewel tones.

baby hippy-hat

Another earflap hat in lovely dusty deep lavender tones. The yarn was received in a ‘hand dyed yarn swap’ with some of my knitting mama friends over in Mothers of Purl at sewingmamas

dust lavender earflap

And a quickie that I made in a manic knitting session last night. For my current client who is at 40weeks + 17 days and was subjected to a rather stressful visit to hospital where she was given the major induction pressure (bordering on abusive in my not so humble opinion). I channeled my frustration and anger at how she was treated into making this little cutie. Made with Rowan All Seasons Cotton. Winged the hat pattern and lame-o attempt at my own pseudo Fair Isle. Simple but sweet.

gemmas babe

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Oct 06 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Wee Hat For A Wee Babe

Filed under knitting

Teeny Hat

For a sweet wee babe born to a client. Just a mere 4lb 2oz (at full term!) she is the tiniest babe I have ever held in my arms. Healthy and happy… just small. (And happily plumping up quite nicely thanks to her mama’s magic milk.) Made of Rowan All Seasons Cotton. No pattern, just winged it. Baby’s head is about the size of a small orange, but alas it is not orange season so I had none to try it on for size. Luckily Miss Marrow was happy to lend her services. A perfect fit!

3 responses so far

Sep 13 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Petals For Sophie

Filed under knitting

Its not my first soaker, but it is the first I have made in years. The last one was when my Anja was a wee babe. She’s in Year 1 at school now. :::sheds tear:::

Pure wool DK Weight dyed by me. Not sure how it looks on your screen, but on mine it seems a bit brighter than in reality. It is a very subtle variagation of pinks,oranges,yellow and white. Very sweet. It makes me think of a sweet little flower petal. Perfect to make a soaker for a new little blossom baby.

87 responses so far

Sep 07 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Work In Progress

Filed under knitting

It was supposed to be my grand vacation project, but as luck would have it, I was too busy enjoying my holiday to get much work done. But here it is nonetheless. My Norwegian Shawl in progress. This sucker goes on forever! Starting out with 568 stitches, working in lace weight (which I have double stranded)….

I will be lucky to get it done by next spring, but it will be well worth it I am sure!

Yarn is a wool silk blend in a light heathered grey/green and darker heathered blueish color. It reminds me of sage and juniper. So pretty.

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