Archive for the 'music fills my soul' Category

Jun 03 2009

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Poetry From the Playground

I wrote this poem today as I waited for my daughter to get out of school.  Anyone who uses a wheelchair (or other mobility device such as a scooter) to get around will understand it.  If you don’t use a wheelchair, remember that in the chair sits a human being.

View From The Chair

You walk by me
As if I am not there.
My legs may not be strong
But my mind is.

These wheels do not shield
Me from the world.
They do not make me blind.
I see you as you pass me by.

My body reminds you
Of your own mortality.
Yours reminds me
Of my own.

You find temporary escape from truth
As you pretend I don’t exist.
Yet when you close your eyes
Mine are open wide.

91 responses so far

Dec 29 2007

Profile Image of Katie

A Divine Podcast

Filed under music fills my soul

I love the Coverville podcast. I just love love love it.

Really. I love it.

I only discovered it recently, but it looks to have been around for quite awhile.  It will be fun to listen to all the back shows while enjoying the new ones.  Over Christmas break my daugthers – ages 17,15, and 6 – all had a great time listening to the annual countdown with me.  Already a quickly converted fan, I fell in love all over again when I heard Jeff Buckley’s Hallelujah (original by Leonard Cohen).  Swoon….sheds tear….sense of faith renewed.  Nothing beats the power of good music.

I hope my neighbors are fans of Coverville too, because we share walls here in England and I can’t help but turn this one up loud!  Check it out.

44 responses so far

Jun 20 2006

Profile Image of Katie

My new friend, Pandora

Filed under music fills my soul

I don’t know how new this is, but its new to me. And I am excited about it.

The Music Genome’s Pandora Radio. They do an impressive job at picking out playlists that are to my liking. You can create them based on artist or song title. It picks out like qualities and characteristics. Much better than a simple ‘genre’ selector. I found myself really being surprised and groovin to some great tunes.

It also has a link to itunes so I can buy the song…so tempting….

19 responses so far