Archive for the 'crafty' Category

Jun 30 2006

Profile Image of Katie

I don’t know

Filed under crafty

Its either the new homeopathic remedy I am taking, or the stress of having my parents here (not gonna dish on the interweb, but lets just say it is interesting having them here.) but whatever it is…. my legs are covered in itcy hives. OMG. This is so much not fun.

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Jun 23 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Shearing Day!


Originally uploaded by Divinely Crafty.
Guess what yesterday was? And guess what I got??? Yup – Sheering day at the farm where my lovely husband is interning. A crew of Kiwi sheep shearers came to the farm to set the girls free of their winter coats. Its quite an impressive operation they have going, and boy can they handle the sheep. I think hiring a pro is definately the smart way to go with shearing. I cannot imagine ever doing what these guys did. The sheep would win for sure.

Theres a bunch of photos to see of the day, and then a bonus of my darling man who promises me that we will have sheep of our own some day soon. You gotta love that.

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Feb 22 2006

Profile Image of Special  K

Purple Trees

Filed under crafty

Purple Trees
Originally uploaded by BeneathOurFeet.

Anja and I were walking to visit Axel on the farm a couple weeks ago. The color in this picture came out spot on for how we remembered seeing the trees. I think it is a picture of the tree’s aura.

I love this picture. It is magic.

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Feb 03 2006

Profile Image of Special  K

Tomorrow we PARTY!

Filed under crafty

Tomorrow night is our housewarming party. And I admit it. I am nervous. For those of you who don’t know me well, it is not my usual character to be nervous about a party. Stress out about the weirdest of minute detail, yes, I do that. But get nervous. Never. Not about a party. But here I am… nervous.

The past 48 hours have seen the majority of my waking time making a Party Mix (With Nutz!) playlist for the i-tunes. God I love i-tunes. The art of the mixed tape, only with an edit button. Better than making a mixed cd even. You can edit, add, subtract, and it all comes up in random order, or if you are totally anal (which I am er eh, not?) you can determine the order. If everything else goes horribly tomorrow night, at the very least I know I will be able to nurse a tall cold drink by the warm glow of my i-tunes. Comforting.

But like I said, I am nervous. Every one of the people coming will be someone we met in the past 6 months. Everyone. I have not really been at a party with any of them. Sure, there have been plenty of drunken times at the pub and one time we drank loads of wine in the BD building and sang songs while Pedro played the guitar. (note to self: make Dylan’s guitar handy for late night hootenanny.) But never a party. So I don’t know what they will find fun. I know, I know – beer and other spirits are a safe bet. Snacks and drinks for those not embibing too. But still… I am nervous.

I need to be careful not to be totally shitfaced before everyone shows up. No pre-party partaking. Well, maybe a bit. Well, maybe a bit more than a bit. But not too much. I still want to be standing, preferably not while bent over the toilet while the majority of the guests are still here.

Ugh. Better go tweak the party mix some more. I think it needs more nutz.

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