Tag Archive 'anger'

Jan 25 2008

Profile Image of Katie

I’m Angry Today.

Filed under coping,sorting it out

And I am fine with that.

I admit that I have massive discomfort with feeling angry usually. Not to say I don’t feel anger, quite the opposite. My habitual responses to anger are to either react swiftly and harshly, or to deny it flat out, keeping it stuffed safely from view of others and myself. Not the most forward thinking way of dealing with matters. I know this, but the thing is that in order to access something you know means engaging the brain in thought. Habits don’t hold conference before we fall effortlessly into them. No thinking required. I could do it in my sleep, which is ironic given that lack of sleep also makes habitual behavior all the more likely. Tough nuts to crack, those habits.

Beyond the raw reaction of my habits, I try to go with the more ‘enlightened’ approach and follow the anger to its source, which is always a fear of something or another. Its helpful and it does have the effect of lessening the furor of my wrath, even reducing the frequency that I even feel such ominous anger, but being willing to look at it closely can be a frightening proposition. Staring into the face of the anger of one’s most formidable of foes – your own self – and not being gripped can mean risking having your world shattered. Not always a bad thing, mind you. But it is the challenge of a lifetime. Maybe even it is the core challenge of this lifetime .

And then there are days on which I am just to pissed off to take a deep breath. And today is one of those days. I see it, I feel it, and I am simply not in the mood to follow it anywhere. The one possible exception being to watch it go from rantings to an audience of dust bunnies and stacks of empty tablet packets here in my tower of exile bedroom, to words on The Internets.

Today I am angry and that is okee-dokee. I am angry that anyone who is ill should have to spend one drop of their precious energy into responding to those who doubt,blame, ridicule and abandon them. We don’t have to look far back in time to see illnesses and conditions that were once unexplainable or misunderstood that we now have evidence of their existence and the ability to treat if not cure them. New discoveries are made every day, but there are still those who refuse to believe that fibromyalgia, ME, CFS, et al exist at all just because they don’t have a range of normal on a blood test to measure us by. And at the same time they are quick to blame us for the existence of our (supposedly non-existent) illness on our choices and lifestyles. Double kick – I don’t believe its there, but its your fault if it is. I am angry I used up several of my precious spoons getting up, showered, dressed and out of the house to have a couple social hours with friends and that I ended up the better part of those social hours fielding questions about my mysterious illness and whether or not it might have karmic significance or energetic stagnation. News flash – it doesn’t matter if you are blaming my illness on some evil deeds of my former incarnations or my failure to clear a glowing plug from my aura. Its still blaming. Its still assigning of fault to someone who is ill. Mind you I believe in karma, past lives, auras and other ideas that get me filed in the wacky bin in many people’s view. But in my dream of it all these are tools for growth and awareness, not instruments of retribution or failure. I am angry that I am certain there was nothing but positive intention when I was asked by a trusted friend if I had considered metaphysical causes of my illness, because I have in truth already looked at that view. I know she only wants to help me find a way to feel better, I know this because that is what I wanted. Its is still all I want. I am angry that I have come to a place in my illness that someone else’s caring can be a spark for such anger. There is hope in blame, the hope that you really might have control and choice is alluring. I am angry that hope and anger go hand in hand.

There are many other things that I was steaming about when I began to write this. They don’t really seem to be getting to me now, so I will let them lie. It wasn’t what I meant to happen, but there it is. The words I have written are telling me to follow them. They are the thread, the fuse leading to the bomb. I see it. Not sure that I have the guts to disarm it today.

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