Tag Archive 'felt and fiber'

Dec 07 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Coming Soon

Filed under crafty,felt and fiber

I made some kits as a part of a ‘supply’ swap I am participating in at Mothers of Purl . Most of the participants are knitters and some have dabbled in or would like to learn how to do felting. Rather than opt to contribute something that others are likely to make such as stitch markers ( I LOVE handmade stitch markers, BTW! But for sake of variety, you know.) or just a bag a roving I made these kits that have all the materials to make hand felted stitch marker pouches. Perfect for holding the lovely hand made stitch markers that I for one am hoping to get in the swap!

They use welt felt and are embellished with needle felting so it gives a taste of both methods. Included is wool for 2 pouches, a bamboo rolling mat, a felting needle, buttons and instructions. Not a bad little gift if I do say so myself. It is simple enough that a beginner can do it and nice enough that anyone would be pleased to have a nice pouch that is worthy of holding their little gems.

Here is what my sample pouch turned out.

And all the kits assembled and ready to go!

Already there have been some requests to sell them from people not in the swap. I am planning on making some up to sell on my Etsy store (where I still have my sundresses from this summer listed. Yes, I am behind a bit. ) but I can’t see it happening until after the holidays. As you can gather by the post below, things are a bit er, uh….lets just say I have a lot on my plate these days. But soon… I hope. Soon.

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