Tag Archive 'fibromyalgia'

Sep 12 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Some Days Suck It Out Of Me…

Filed under coping,sorting it out

And some days just suck.

Not sure what type of day today is yet, but yesterday was rough. The weather has been quite nice these past few days which is like a gift from the heavens to me. But of course it can’t last forever and yesterday I knew a change was coming. The weather forecast said “dry and sunny” but I knew they were wrong. My body told a different story. I could tell we were in for something big. Last night as the lightning cracked, the thunder rumbled, and the rain poured I contemplated that maybe I should reconsider my profession. I could hire myself out to the weather channel as an expert resource. What do you think? Only problem is that if I ever were lucky enough to get a handle on this mess of an illness I would do myself out of a job. … Now there’s a dilemma I could get into!

So yes, this is a whiny post. I deserve to whine every now and then don’t I? I go on call for 2 births starting tomorrow. Clients due on the 27th and the 2nd. Days like yesterday and today worry me though. I can’t take the heavy duty pain meds when on call for obvious reasons but then it becomes a matter of whether or not I can physically deal with attending a labor. One of those catch-22 things I guess. And a great motivator to keep searching for an answer.I know there has to be one.

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