Tag Archive 'inspiration'

Dec 18 2007

Profile Image of Katie

Seasonal Cheer

sabrina necklace

Last week the spirit of the season blew through me as I surrendered to a most intense fibromyalgia flare. With a good mystery audiobook playing on my laptop on my nightstand, cup of tea placed within easy reach, and my supplies set before me neatly on my bed I began hunting and pecking through beads and baubles for inspiration. The result was several pairs of glass and stone earrings that were bundled up and sent to their new homes before I had a chance to take pictures, and this lovely necklace that I made for our friend Sabrina. Made from orange/red/yellow rolled felt beads that I made last spring and colorful glass beads which I bought in a fabulous bead store in Barcelona.

stephen poneytail hat2

I also made this divine hat for Stephen to wear with his once again long hair ponytail. It is cold in the mountains of Italy where he lives but it can be a real pain trying to find a hat that works with ponytails. Hopefully this will do the trick and keep him warm and in style. Made with handspun single and the pattern can be found here.

It was good to get some creative work done. I have been in such a drought lately, putting my energy mostly into daily needs, but also attending to other calls that have been demanding my attention. When I opened my box of beads and tools there was a sense of apprehension with my eagerness to get started. Knowing that I was in the midst of a bad flare, I also knew it was entirely likely that I wouldn’t be able to finish what I started. Another thing that keeps me from my creative pursuits is the lonely trail of abandoned projects that are evidence of good intentions gone the way of dreams. But not this time. Once I got going the momentum built on itself and I began to get as much energy from making them as I was putting into them. More even. What a joy and a delight! ‘Tis the season to be merry and bright!

101 responses so far

Oct 19 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Inspiration all around

Filed under felt and fiber

Handpainted Blue Faced Leiscester aran I dyed up this week. Gorgeous rich blue shading with splashes of greens. Not knowing what to call this beatiful colorway I sat on the loo and contemplated the hank hanging to dry on a hook across the room. When I happened to turn my head and see the print of the a Geogia O’Keefe painting of Machu Picchu in the morning mist we have on the wall – in the exact color scheme. So in its honor I am calling this one Machu Picchu Morning. machu picchu morning

So in keeping with the South American theme I am calling this one (also BFL aran) Carnival.


Both are soon to be made into what else?…..baby hats!

77 responses so far