Tag Archive 'nature'

Jun 16 2008

Profile Image of Katie

Beatiful Blossoms

Filed under just because,wandering

busy bee and apple blossoms

I don’t usually do this, but today I am posting the same thing on both of my blogs. (For those of you who haven’t been over to see it, I blog about my family’s adventures at Beneath Our Feet.  I invite you to  have a look around and see what we have been up to. ) I was so moved by the beauty of these apple blossoms this weekend that I had to share them with all  my readers.

I haven’t been to the new orchard in a very long time (It may have been as long ago as during the last harvest unless there is a gap in my memory.) So yesterday was a real treat when I finally managed to get over there to see all the pear trees that Axel and his crew have been busy planting. All 7,500 of them. In three days. I kid you not. Did I mention how hard he’s been working?

While I was there I noticed that some of the apple trees that were recently planted were still in bloom. I was very happy to see this since I missed the primary explosion of blossoms in early May. One row of these trees in particular caught my eye. The color of the blossoms is a deep vibrant, almost on the verge of purple. I had never seen such a color in apple blossoms, most of which are a white with hints of pink. I asked Axel what variety it was and he could not remember exactly, but said that it was either sunlight or moonlight but that he would have to check his list to be sure. They planted a few new varieties to test this year. I also learned that not only are the flowers an unusual color but the flesh of the apples they produce will also be unusual. They will be red inside as well as outside! I don’t know much about this type of apple, but from what I gather its a rare variety that they are introducing back into the market. I can’t wait to get a look and a taste of them.

I had brought my camera along (double checking that I had my memory card) in hopes of getting a good picture of the new pear trees, which as it turns out don’t make much of a photo right now. Maybe once they take root and start getting leaves. So much to my delight I was able to take some pictures of these gorgeous blossoms and even managed to get some snaps of a bee busy doing it’s part to help with the apple growing business.

Here are a couple more shots. I could sit and look at these flowers all day. They are so beautiful, and exactly what I needed to lift my spirits.

apple blossoms2

apple blossoms1

102 responses so far

Jan 16 2008

Profile Image of Katie

Signs of Spring

When my youngest daughter was a toddler we used to lie in bed in the morning and just listen to the birds as they began their days with sweet songs.  There was a bushy tree right outside my bedroom window that dozens of little tiny birds called home, so it was like having front row for an avian symphony.   At first it was a trick on my part to get a few more minutes in bed before I had to start my own day, but it soon grew into a beloved part of our morning routine. When we moved from that house and she began to sleep in her own bed (we co-slept until then)  this ritual was tucked into the sweet memories file.  Years have past since those days, but it just takes a few chirps to take me back to those magic mornings.

Sunday morning she came bounding into our bedroom full of excitement proclaiming “The birds are back! I hear them everywhere!”  Still half asleep and a bit on the grumpy side, I grumbled as I rolled over and pulled the covers up over my head. The sun was barely up yet and I was not about to join it.  And besides – its only January and even though the plum tree in the neighbors yard is bursting with fresh blossoms it is too early for them to be back. But then I heard it.  At first it was just one or two and then a few more joined in.  Soon the air was filled with their busy chatter, and a rush of all the love and memories of those days that seem so distant flooded through me.  She was too young then to remember our special mornings now, and when I suggested we lie quietly and listen for a few minutes she told me she could hear them just fine up and bouncing around the room.  Ah well, I tried.  She may not remember those days, and she might be sharp enough not to be fooled by my ploys, but something inside of her knows that the birds returning is something to be celebrated.

The past weeks have been particularly difficult for me physically and emotionally with my fibro being at a crisis level.  The long dark days of winter have seemed even more heavy and ominous than normal.  But today as hear the birds busily chirping and feasting on the worms who were forced above ground with yesterdays rain, I am reminded of the constant turning of the wheel of life and the restorative power of nature.  It gives me hope and today that is something I am deeply grateful for.

25 responses so far

Jan 25 2007

Profile Image of Katie

Snowy Days

Filed under just because,wandering

We have had a couple of snowy days here this week. Little flurry outside my window right now. Not enough to disrupt life too much beyond the occasional late running bus. (of course the busses run late on a sunny dry day so that is no big oddity)

But it sure is pretty!

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