Tag Archive 'sewing'

May 28 2009

Profile Image of Katie

Rain,Kirtles, and Insanity.

Friday I started to write a big post about how the weather was going to be fabulous “Warmer than Spain” the headlines shouted. Warmer, perhaps.  Dryer, maybe not.  Spring in England is a cruel tease.  The post listed all the many splendoured things that we were going to do in the allotment over the long Bank Holiday weekend.  As it turns out, the only bit that got done was the part I did on Saturday afternoon before it started to rain for several days.

We stayed plenty busy despite our allotment plans being foiled.  Maybe even because the plans were foiled. Somewhere along the line I decided that I am going to make this kirtle for my youngest to wear at a dance performance next weekend. They need to dress up in the period of the dance, Tudor, for the villager fun day the first weekend in June. Last year they wore shorts and t-shirts but this year, with the retiring of the old teacher that organized the performance, they have apparently brought on a more ambitious organizer.  Which somehow translates into Katie needs to make a fancy dress costume.  I am sure that other parents are no where near as insane as me, but a switch gets flipped in my brain that compells me to make instead of buy.  No rational thought employed, just irrepressible urge to do it myself.

The sun is back out and we need to get outside and finish up the allotment planting. The rains will have made the soil, which is a very clay soil, much softer and easier to work. Heavier, but softer nonetheless. It will be June next week and things should be well planted by then.  Onward ho!

26 responses so far

Oct 18 2008

Profile Image of Katie

I Love This!

The Toy Society. I got wind of them from Danielle a bit ago.  I love how it really is starting to catch on, and if I ever get my sewing and crafty stuff unpacked (No, it still sits in front of me in boxes.  I should take a picture. It is really sad. ) I would love to do something like this.  It would make a fun project for me to do with Anja and then wait to see who finds it.

Let me know if and of you are inspired to give it a try and be sure to pass the word on!

52 responses so far