Archive for June, 2006

Jun 30 2006

Profile Image of Katie

I don’t know

Filed under crafty

Its either the new homeopathic remedy I am taking, or the stress of having my parents here (not gonna dish on the interweb, but lets just say it is interesting having them here.) but whatever it is…. my legs are covered in itcy hives. OMG. This is so much not fun.

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Jun 27 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Do you ever outgrow this?

Filed under sorting it out

I am going to be thritysomething for the last time in a couple months. I have lived on my own for over 20 years. Yet here it is, one day before my parents visit from America and I am freaking out so much about the state of my house that I made myself sick to my stomach this morning. Seriously. I am a basket case. I didn’t sleep much last night and woke up good and grouchy this morning. I warned the family that I get twitchy before my parents visit, which they all know well from experience, and I think I did a smashing job of delaying the extreme twitch until today, just one day before they arrive. But now the freak is on and I am a cleaning fool. Must. Look. Good. For. Inspection.

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Jun 23 2006

Profile Image of Katie

Shearing Day!


Originally uploaded by Divinely Crafty.
Guess what yesterday was? And guess what I got??? Yup – Sheering day at the farm where my lovely husband is interning. A crew of Kiwi sheep shearers came to the farm to set the girls free of their winter coats. Its quite an impressive operation they have going, and boy can they handle the sheep. I think hiring a pro is definately the smart way to go with shearing. I cannot imagine ever doing what these guys did. The sheep would win for sure.

Theres a bunch of photos to see of the day, and then a bonus of my darling man who promises me that we will have sheep of our own some day soon. You gotta love that.

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Jun 22 2006

Profile Image of Katie

So what does it mean?

Filed under sorting it out

Seeking enlightenment through artistry. Is she serious? Is that supposed to be witty?

Why, yes. It is. Serious and witty. I mean it, but I also know better than to take myself too seriously.

My creative expression is a vital part of my existence. I rarely feel as good as I do when I am freely expressing myself through some form of artistry. It helps me sort it out. Thus the category for posts like this one: Sorting It Out. Words, Art,Craft,Food,Nature,Music,Family,Birth…my artistry is my life. I cannot think of one aspect of living that doesn’t connect with creation alongside growth. Its not all joy, its not all suffering. Each is connected in its own way.

And its fun. and cool. cuz I don’t want to grow up.

Serious and witty.

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