Apr 28 2008

Profile Image of Katie

Still Kicking

Posted at 4:21 pm under crafty

If I may be so bold as to borrow a phrase from Mark Twain, “Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated!” Yes, I am alive still.  Even a bit more alive than when I last wrote.

As seems to be my pattern, I blog  fairly regularly for a time and then I disappear for a time.  I am consistent if not reliable anyway I suppose.  In keeping with my rhythm – I hereby declare that I am once again back from my short hiatus.

My time away took me half way across the world and back, and from the depths of struggle with my illness to a renewed sense of hope that there may be renewed health in my future.  Still many long and hard miles to go on my healing journey before I reach what I would call wellness, but the first crucial steps have been taken.  I will catch you up on the details as time passes, but for now just know that I now have hope that had been missing from my coping.  Hope that someday I might not need to cope with quite so much.  What a joy that would be!

For now I must attend to preparing dinner for my family.  This alone is a delight given that a few months ago I could barely get myself a bowl of cereal.  Some days it is all I can do to gather the energy to cook dinner and I am exhausted and in pain when I am done, but simply to be able to get up and do it, no matter how hard is such a gift.  So off I go to make some yummy Sweet Potato Lemongrass soup and Lime Coriander Chicken. Its not as  fancy as it sounds but it is  every bit as  delicious!

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